

How this cyclist avoided a ‘real job’ and built his blog for 12 years before selling

A man riding a bike on a rocky trail.

He bootstrapped a personal finance website, and ended up selling it for $5.8 million


A “finance guy” built an investing newsletter, sold it to a sports brand – then bought it back


Content company founder sells his newsletter and event to a key sponsor

A close-up photo of a man in business attire smiles directly at the camera.

How this TechCrunch editor built her VC newsletter and sold it to her employer


How 2 laid-off journalists built a local news startup and sold to a national brand

Two people stand in front of a concrete wall, smiling at the camera.

How this newsletter-podcast startup landed a buyer that wanted its young audience

A square image of The Peak team sits on top of a blue background with the They Got Acquired logo.

She didn’t sell her subscription business at its peak — and looking back, wishes she had

A young woman with long, dark hair is sitting on the ground in a woodsy area with light blue sweater and blue jeans, and she has a bright smile on her face as she looks directly at the camera. In her lap sits a terrier dog.