

VC-backed startup hit a dead end? Why an acquihire might be a good solution

two blue puzzle pieces intersect embedded into a city with skyscrapers

Due diligence: How to make this part of the acquisition process a little less painful


Navigating acquihire: How to negotiate more than an employment contract


What’s EBITDA? What it means, how to calculate it, and why it matters for selling your business

various illustrations of humans in the foreground with charts and arrows in the background

Strategic vs. financial buyer: What’s the difference, and which one is best?

Two hands hold the letters "A" and "B" while cartoon people ponder stand about in a disorganized fashion

10 business podcasts we recommend that are hosted by women

An illustration of a women wearing a pair of headphones standing next to a lightbulb

Acquihire opportunity? You’ll want to retain your team. Here’s how to convince them.

four people run in a line holding the letters TEAM in their hands

Could QSBS save you big in taxes? How to decide whether it’s right for your business

A piece of paper with numbers and charts is adorned with various images like a magnifying glass and calculator