

Two college seniors turned a class project into a business supporting travel advisors

Two females sit side-by-side in the sand, smiling at the camera

Focusing on social impact helped this digital agency attract an acquirer


Can you sell a 1-person services business? This web designer figured out how


How the founder of this services firm navigated due diligence when selling to a direct competitor

A man in a suit stands in front of a presentation with a microphone in hand. Another man sits off to the side in the background.

At 22, he sold a YouTube analytics company he’d started in college

Seven people smile at the camera in a line, one man sits in front giving a peace symbol in each hand

A museum tours business scaled to $2.8M in revenue using comedians and actors

A man smiles and waves in the foreground, two people in the background sign papers with the man giving a thumbs up

The productized service model helped this founder go from launch to exit in just a year


These founders bootstrapped a ‘white glove’ WordPress hosting firm, then sold it for millions