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Just three years after it was founded by two brothers, Kyiv-based AXDRAFT, attracted an interested buyer, then sold for high 7 figures.
Whether to work with an M&A advisor or business broker to sell your business is a big decision. Here are some common mistakes we see founders make.
One way to figure out how much you could sell your company for is by looking at common multiples. Here’s how that works, and multiples you can expect in your industry.
What should you expect from working with a broker? How much do they charge, and how should you choose one? This FAQ offers all the answers.
Every seller wants a strategic buyer. But here’s the reality when it comes to looking for the right acquirer.
Biron Clark left a career in recruiting to build career advice website Career Sidekick. With $50k a month in revenue, it funded his travels around the world until he sold it in 2022.
Founder Fergus Kibble calls COVID a “near-death experience” for his PR and marketing agency. But a smart strategy and interested buyer led him to sell just a couple years later.
Despite high interest rates, holiday delays and a Google algorithm update, this founder was determined to sell his portfolio of content sites.
Supply chain software Siena Analytics was an early adopter with AI years ago. But being first can come with challenges. These co-founders overcame them — and attracted a buyer.
This founder had years of exit-prep experience, but selling to a public company was a brand-new challenge.
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