7 Figures


Timing is everything, in real estate and acquisitions. How this real estate software nailed it

Mike Simonsen, founder of Altos Research

In just 3 years, this Ukraine-based legal software exited at 14.5x revenue


Faced with a downturn, here’s what this marketing agency owner did to boost business again


After losing significant Google traffic, this content site managed to sell for 3x EBITDA

Fin vs Fin team: Jane Feddersen (Editorial Lead), Alex Goldberg (co-founder), and Matt Oney (co-founder)

Why this due diligence expert was surprised when she sold her business to a public company

Fleur Hicks, co-founder of onefourzero (holding trophy) with colleagues post-acquisition.

How this Irish PR firm attracted the attention of an expanding American company

Dan Pender, founder of PR360

How a health coaching app with $300K ARR fit into this strategic buyer’s roadmap

Patrick Samy, founder of Span

They launched a content site about a market before it even existed – and the gamble paid off

Microgrid Knowledge co-founders - Elisa Wood, Lisa Cohn, and Kevin Normandeau