Tom Howard runs The Cornerstone Team at Website Closers. He has nine years of experience brokering, and has closed 130+ deals.

His team of three specializes in selling online businesses, including:

  • E-commerce
  • SaaS
  • Business services
  • Content

You want an experienced broker, of course — but you also want a broker you’ll enjoy working with for the long run.

That’s why we interviewed Tom about his approach to working with sellers, so you can get a feel for whether he might be the right fit for you.

Contact Tom Howard

Tom Howard’s advice for selling your business

In this 16-minute interview, Tom shares:

[02:23] Why it’s so gratifying to help founders sell their business

[02:35] How to look at the sale of your business as a way of de-risking and diversifying

[03:35] An example of a founder he worked with and how they increased the value of her business

[05:50] How far in advance of a sale sellers should begin working with a broker

[06:38] When it makes sense to backward-engineer your ideal sale

[07:24] Who makes up his team and the experience they bring

[10:05] His biggest advice for founders after 9 years of brokering deals

[14:15] Why it’s vital to generate multiple offers when you sell

[11:45] Why a founder’s most important job during the sale process is to continue to run the business well

Contact Tom for a free conversation

Tom and his team offer free discovery calls to talk about your business and the best path to a sale.

Get in touch to learn more. Tom’s email: thoward[at]

Contact Tom Howard